The IDNR has just released an emergency order. No motorized watercrafts may operate on Lake Tippecanoe (including Oswego and James Lakes). No motorized watercrafts may operate on the Barbee Chain (including Big Barbee, Little Barbee, Sawmill, Kuhn, Irish, Banning, and Sechrist Lakes). Lake Wawasee is restricted to idle speed only.
Please be safe! This order isn't only for the surrounding homes, but also the people on the boats. We've had reports on Tippy and Barbee of boats opperating close to homes at high speeds (Pictured between houses on Barbee Chain by John Labriola).
While levels seem to have crested, rain is in the forecast for today and tomorrow. Learn more.
If your home or property has been affected by flooding, you should report it at
Damage Assessment crews made up of local and state employees are surveying homes and businesses affected by the recent storms and flooding. This is a first step in gaining federal assistance for the affected residents of Kosciusko County. Contact Kosciusko County’s Emergency Management Director Ed Rock at (574) 371-2602 if you would like them to come to your home.
Residents may be approached by these crews and asked questions relating to ownership of the property, insurance and extent of damage. The crews may ask to see and photograph damage. There is no charge or fee for the service the crews are providing for the residents. Learn more.